Wednesday, May 25, 2016



My last blog, I was exhausted and was worried that the end of the year would drag on. Would I have long days everyday for the remainder of the year? I did not want to end on a low note!

I was encouraged by a colleague to take a risk, do something new, don't give up. Now is the time to try new things. I thought about this last night and decided that I would not give up. I might have had a long day, but I wasn't defeated!

I came into my classroom this morning, determined to have a great day. I put the biggest smile on and walked into my classroom. Students were excited. It is Wednesday, the day that we work on 3 Act Math. My students love this program. Several students were predicting on what the activity would be about....Big Gulps, cars, cookies, chocolate.

We had a great start to a day. We reviewed graphing and I gave them the assignment in class. I wanted to try something new...Desmos, but wasn't sure what to expect. I was nervous! Would I be able to help students be successful? Would the Wi-fi work? Would the kids enjoy the activity?

I stopped the class and told them about an activity that I wanted to try. I needed their help. This would be the first time to do this program. I couldn't do the assignment without them. Several students had heard about the assignment. They knew that the Gate Math class had gone to the computer lab with a someone from the District. They were concerned, because our class was not the Gate class. Could they do it? There was a discussion..

. "We're not Gate! 

"You think we can do this?"

Me:"Yes, I know you can do this!"

"Is this something you learned at your Math camp?"


After a few minutes...

"You are right, we are just as smart as the Gate class."

Growth mindset...just because I was willing to try! At the end of class, I had to remind students that the bell had rung and they needed to go to their next period. 

It was nice to have the need "to kick students out of my class." It was nice to see students persevere. 

These are the days that I need to remember...not every day is going to be a great day, but each day I need to try to find something that was great! Glad I took a risk #takrisks
Image result for desmos

Monday, May 23, 2016

I can do it!

I can do it!
This is what I tell myself the last month of school. It seems that there are more things to do and less time to do it. I am tired, my students are tired, and we all can't wait for summer!

I love my classes, but there is a change in the air, and it makes it difficult to concentrate! For example, today we were going over an assignment that students were going to complete. I was doing the first example with the class. I asked a question...silence! I waited and asked the question again...silence! Hello...anyone there? Hello? I waited. I wanted the students to know that I wasn't going to give them the answer. Finally, someone answered! Yay!

I think everyone is excited for summer! A break...well deserved by all. There are so many awards, activities at the end of the year, that it makes everyone very busy and tired.

Textbooks are being collected, but my time with my students is not over. I decided to move the activities that I normally would do at the beginning of the chapter and move them after I have collected the textbooks. It is working,

Can you tell...I am tired, but not defeated!
I can do this! Really...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Smiling from ear to ear!

As I am writing this blog, I am smiling from ear to ear! I look back at this past year and I the same person? Is that me?

I have always been a goal oriented person. I set goals each year, two goals, and work hard to accomplish them. These goals are not grade level, but personal...professional!

The way I am teaching today, is very different then the way I was teaching at the beginning of the year. I have far exceeded my goals of:

Using technology at least once a week: I am using technology daily!
Making my math lessons more engaging: My students are cheering when I put up 3 act math, or Which One Doesn't Belong (WODB).

In fact, a class that I only have for the subject of Science is asking for me to use these programs/lessons with them. They even justified the activities by telling me that these lessons would help them find patterns and increase their ability to reason. Scientists need to be able to reason and find patterns in their findings. I agreed. It made me smile. They didn't want to be left out. They hear the cheers and laughter coming from my room and they want to be apart of it.

I love it! I caught the passion for math from John C. Baxter. He is a Teacher on Special Assignment for Math (TOSA). He loves math and you only need to be around him a few moments to see that. I now have that passion!  I am smiling more. Kids entering my room are smiling! Math, do I dare say it, is fun...not easy, but worth while. Kids are willing to persevere!

A few nights ago, I had the opportunity to share how I give assignments using the computer component of the series adopted from the district. I brought ten students to demonstrate to the School Board and district personnel. The excitement was in the air! It didn't matter that we waited two hours to share, the kids were excited. I was nervous! I didn't want my nerves to mess up or take away from the presentation. I wanted the School Board to see the love of math that my students and I had!

You should have seen it, the kids were confident!! I had to be too. When I stood up there with my team (students), my fear went away. I was sharing something that we had found to be successful. Was the presentation perfect? No, but the School Board and other participants were left with a feeling of passion and excitement from the presentation! My students entrusted me to take them on a journey, not knowing if we would find success or anything worth while. We did! In fact, we found confidence in our ability to use the technology, vocabulary to express ourselves, and higher test scores even while the material was increasingly difficult.

I am grateful for this year! It is not over!!! In this year, I found my passion, love of learning, and confidence to do something completely different and out of my comfort zone. I have found that it is okay to make mistakes. There are people around me to guide me on my journey. I am grateful for my students. They have helped me create an environment where it is okay to make mistakes...we learn from them. Their is a respect and trust between us! I never want that to end! I am sad that the school year is ending and I want see them as much! I know that I am a memory. I know that when they think of will be about the journey, Board Presentation, and love of Diet Coke and chocolate!

Now...if only I could become perfect at Twitter, especially the #s. I think Cori O shoud present a class, just on hashtags..

.I love this journey!